Monday, January 19, 2009

Security vulnerabilities and disclosure

Triggered by this SecurityFocus column. I've always been a proponent of full disclosure: releasing not just a general description of a vulnerability but the details on how it works and how to exploit it. I considered that neccesary because vendors are prone to saying "There's no practical exploit there." and stalling on fixing it, and the only way to prove there is a practical exploit is to actually produce the code to exploit the vulnerability. It also removes any question about whether you're right or wrong about the vulnerability. There's the code, anybody can verify your claims for themselves. But I've also always been a proponent of telling the vendor first, and giving them the opportunity to close the hole themselves before the rest of the world gets the details. General public disclosure was, in my view, the last resort, the stick to wave at the vendor that you'd employ only if they didn't act with reasonable dispatch to actually fix the problem.

But, as this column points out, these days the vendor's most likely to respond not by trying to fix the problem but by hauling you into court to try and silence or even jail you for having the temerity to tell them they've got a problem in thier software. Which is leading me to believe that responsible disclosure, while preferrable, simply isn't viable anymore. The only safe thing to do, the only effective way to get vendors to respond to problems, is to dump all the details including working exploit code out into public view so the vendor can't ignore it, and to do it anonymously (making sure to cover your tracks thoroughly and leave no trail leading back to you) so the vendor doesn't have a target to go after. That's the only way to avoid months if not years of legal hassles and courtroom appearances, all for you having the temerity to try and tell the vendor privately that they had a problem. IMO this is a sad state of affairs, but it also seems to be the way the vendors want it to be.

It's either this, or fight for court rulings saying that vendors have no legal right to hound researchers who try to disclose privately to the vendor. In fact, we need legal rulings saying that a vendor who tries to silence the reporters of a vulnerability instead of fixing the vulnerability make themselves legally liable for the results of that vulnerability. Short of that, researchers have to protect themselves.

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